Pay Now, Pay Later Real Estate.

Target Market Determination

Effective Date: 30 July 2024

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019 requires Campaign Agent Pty Ltd ACN 608 962 812 (CampaignAgent) to publish our Target Market Determination (TMD) in respect of each of its products. A Target Market Determination explains who our products are designed for and how they are distributed to our customers.


VPAPay is a financial product offered by CampaignAgent which provides vendors of residential (and certain commercial) real estate access to credit to cover the costs of marketing, staging, styling and cosmetic improvements – known as Vendor Paid Advertising (VPA) – to their property once they have agreed on a marketing schedule with their selected real estate agent. CampaignAgent offers a vendor the choice to pay for their VPA expenses up-front or to defer payment of their VPA expenses through a loan to better align the repayment obligation with the receipt of the sale proceeds.

Consumer description: A person who does not wish to pay for their VPA expenses upfront and would like to defer the repayment of their VPAPay expenses to better align with the receipt of the sale proceeds.

Financial Situation: A person who will have the financial capacity to repay the VPA expenses and CampaignAgent’s fees when the amount becomes payable and due.

Product Description: A fixed cost credit product used to fund the marketing, staging, styling and cosmetic improvements in order for a vendor to market their residential (and certain commercial) property for sale. The key attributes of VPAPay are:

  • the ability to borrow up to 2% of the estimated sale price of the property or $25,000;
  • the proceeds of a VPAPay loan are paid directly to the vendors chosen real estate agent on their behalf; and
  • re-payment of the VPAPay loan (including CampaignAgent’s fees) are due at the earlier of 6 months, deposit release, settlement or withdrawal of the property from sale.

VPAPay is only provided to consumers who are assessed as eligible to receive it. All consumers must provide the relevant documentation and evidence to use the product. Unless CampaignAgent’s criteria are met, consumers will be deemed ineligible to receive the product.

VPAPay is distributed to property vendors who submit an application through CampaignAgent’s digital portal. VPAPay is only offered to property vendors who have appointed a real estate agent that is a client of CampaignAgent. VPAPay is only eligible to those vendors that meet our eligibility requirements which include providing a signed sales authority with their real estate agent and in certain cases an agreed marketing schedule. In addition, funds are advanced directly to a vendor’s real estate agency on their behalf.

The distribution of the product makes it likely that a VPAPay borrower is in the target market, being vendors of Australian real estate.

Review: Annually.

Review triggers: A review of the TMD will be triggered if CampaignAgent determines a material event or circumstance has occurred in relation to:

  • Financial hardship – a material number of customers experiencing financial hardship as a result of obtaining the product.
  • Material complaints – a material number of complaints are received regarding the terms of the product or its manner of distribution.
  • Material product changes – a material change to the product or the manner of distribution that is likely to result in the product or its distribution no longer being appropriate for the target market.
  • Evidence of fraud – evidence of fraud by customers or their real estate agents (for example, funds not being used for the purposes of advertising / preparing a property for sale).
  • Changes in applicable laws and regulations – changes to applicable laws and regulations that result in the design of the product no longer being appropriate for the target market.
  • Large number of vendors applying for the product for uses not related to the sale of property or a large number of non-vendors applying for the product.

Significant dealing – Notify ASIC in writing as soon as practicable, and in any case within 10 business days after becoming aware of a significant dealing that is inconsistent with this determination.


DepositNow is a financial product offered by CampaignAgent which allows vendors of Australian real estate early access to a portion of the equity from their settlement proceeds once the sale of the property is unconditional.

Consumer description: A vendor who wishes to access a portion of the equity from their settlement proceeds between the unconditional sale and settlement of the property they have sold. The vendor must have available equity in the property they have sold to borrow against.

Financial situation: A person who will have the financial capacity to pay the principal and CampaignAgent’s fees and interest when the amount becomes payable and due.

Product description: A credit product used to access a portion of the equity from their settlement proceeds prior to settlement. The key attributes of DepositNow are:

  • all vendors on title must apply;
  • the availability to borrow up to 80% of the available equity in their property up to $250,000; and
  • the requirement to make repayment of the principal amount and CampaignAgent’s fees and interest on the earlier of settlement of the property or 6 months.

The product is only provided to consumers who are assessed as eligible to receive it. All consumers must provide the relevant documentation and evidence to use the product. Unless the criteria are met, consumers will be deemed ineligible to receive the product.

DepositNow is distributed directly to vendors who have used CampaignAgent’s VPAPay product for the marketing of their sold property. Vendors apply directly to CampaignAgent online.

A condition of the product is that an applicant must provide an unconditional contract of sale in respect of the property sold and a title search is undertaken to ensure all applicants are on title.

The distribution of the product makes it likely that a customer acquiring the DepositNow product is in the target market, being a vendor who has sold their property

Review: Annually.

Periodic Review: At least annually from the initial review

Review Triggers: A review of the TMD will be triggered when the issuer determines a material event or circumstance has occurred in relation to:

Financial hardship – a material number of customers experiencing financial hardship as a result of obtaining the product.

Material complaints – receiving material complaints regarding the terms of the product or its manner of distribution.

Material product changes – a material change to the product or the manner of distribution that is likely to result in the determination not appropriate for the target market.

Evidence of fraud – evidence of fraud by customers and or their real estate agents (for example, funds not being used for the intended loan purpose or the discovery of non-complying eligibility documentation).

Changes in applicable laws and regulations – changes to applicable laws and regulations that result in the design of the product no longer being appropriate for the target market.

Large number of vendors applying for the product who are not eligible.

Significant Dealing – Notify ASIC in writing as soon as practicable, and in any case within 10 business days after becoming aware of a significant dealing that is inconsistent with this determination.


PMPay is a financial product offered by CampaignAgent which allows landlords of residential (and certain commercial) properties access to credit for costs such as maintenance, repairs and advertising related to their investment properties. A landlord can defer these payments over four equal instalments over an eight-week period to better align the repayment obligation with their cashflow requirements.

Consumer description: A landlord who wishes to defer repayment of property related costs, such as maintenance, repairs or advertising, to better align the repayment obligation with their cashflow requirements. An eligible consumer must:

  • be aged 18 or over and own an investment property;
  • only use the proceeds of a PMPay loan for costs related to their investment property; and
  • be able to repay the PMPay loan and any associated fees within 62 days of drawdown.

Financial situation: A person who will have the financial capacity to pay the principal and CampaignAgent’s fees when the amount becomes payable and due.

Product description: A credit product used to spread the payment of investment property-related costs over a period of 8-weeks. The key attributes of PMPay are:

  • a fixed establishment fee;
  • repayment required through four equal direct debit payments from the landlords nominated account;
  • a loan term of a maximum of 62 days; and
  • the availability to borrow up to $10,000.

The product is only provided to consumers who are assessed as eligible to receive it. All consumers must provide the relevant documentation and evidence to use the product. Unless the criteria are met, consumers will be deemed ineligible to receive the product.

PMPay is distributed to landlords who submit an application through CampaignAgent’s digital portal. The product is only offered to landlords who have appointed a property manager to manage the property to which the costs relate. PMPay loans are paid directly to the real estate agency managing the investment property on the owner’s behalf.

The distribution of the product makes it likely that a customer acquiring the PMPay product is in the target market, being a landlord of an investment property requiring funds for investment property related costs.

Review: Annually.

Review Triggers: A review of the TMD will be triggered when CampaignAgent determines a material event or circumstance has occurred in relation to:

  • Financial hardship – a material number of customers experiencing financial hardship as a result of obtaining the product.
  • Material complaints – a material number of complaints are received regarding the terms of the product or its manner of distribution.
  • Material product changes – a material change to the product or the manner of distribution that is likely to result in the product or its distribution no longer being appropriate for the target market.
  • Evidence of fraud – evidence of fraud by customers or their real estate agents (for example, funds not being used for the intended loan purpose or the discovery of non-complying eligibility documentation).
  • Changes in applicable laws and regulations – changes to applicable laws and regulations that result in the design of the product no longer being appropriate for the target market.
  • Large number of applicants applying for the product who are not eligible.

Significant dealing – Notify ASIC in writing as soon as practicable, and in any case within 10 business days after becoming aware of a significant dealing that is inconsistent with this determination.

Home Preparation Loan:

A Home Preparation Loan is a financial product offered by CampaignAgent which allows vendors of residential (and certain commercial) real estate access credit for maintenance, repairs and minor works to prepare their property for sale, once they have agreed on the marketing schedule with their real estate agent. The vendor has a choice to pay for their costs up-front or to defer payment of these costs to better align the repayment obligation with the receipt of the sale proceeds.

Consumer description: A person who does not wish to pay for the preparation costs upfront and wishes to defer the repayment obligation to better align with the receipt of the sale proceeds.

Financial situation: A person who will have the financial capacity to pay the Home Preparation Loan amount and CampaignAgent’s fees when the amount becomes payable and due.

Product description: A fixed cost credit product used for funding maintenance, repairs and minor works in order to market residential or small commercial properties for sale. The key attributes of a Home Preparation Loan are:

  • the ability to borrow up to 2% of the estimated sale price of the property or $25,000 (inclusive of any VPAPay loans entered into);
  • all vendors on title must apply;
  • a title search is undertaken to ensure all registered proprietors on title have applied; and
  • the vendor has entered into and provided a copy of a valid sales authority with a real estate agency;
  • the Home Preparation Loan proceeds are paid directly to the vendor(s) nominated account; and
  • the requirement to make re-payment of the Home Preparation Loan amount and CampaignAgent’s fees at the earlier of 6 months, deposit release, settlement or withdrawal of the property from sale.

The product is only provided to consumers who are assessed as eligible to receive it. All consumers must provide the relevant documentation and evidence to use the product. Unless the criteria are met, consumers will be deemed ineligible to receive the product.

Home Preparation Loans are distributed to property vendors who submit an application through CampaignAgent’s digital portal. The product is only offered to property vendors who have appointed real estate agents that are clients of CampaignAgent. The product is limited to those vendors that meet our eligibility requirements which includes providing a signed sales authority with their real estate agent, invoices in respect of the repairs, maintenance and minor works to be undertaken and in certain cases an agreed marketing schedule.

The distribution of the product makes it likely that a customer acquiring the Home Preparation Loan product is in the target market, being vendors of Australian real estate.

Initial review: Within 1 year of the effective date.

Periodic review: At least annually from the initial review.

Review triggers: A review of the TMD will be triggered when CampaignAgent determines a material event or circumstance has occurred in relation to:

  • Financial hardship – a material number of customers experiencing financial hardship as a result of obtaining the product.
  • Material complaints – a material number of complaints are received regarding the terms of the product or its manner of distribution.
  • Material product changes – a material change to the product or the manner of distribution that is likely to result in the product or its distribution no longer being appropriate for the target market.
  • Evidence of fraud – evidence of fraud by customers or their real estate agents (for example, funds not being used for the purposes of preparing a property for sale).
  • Changes in applicable laws and regulations – changes to applicable laws and regulations that result in the design of the product no longer being appropriate for the target market.
  • Large number of vendors applying for the product for uses not related to the preparation of their property for sale or a large number of non-vendors applying for the product.

Significant dealing – Notify ASIC in writing as soon as practicable, and in any case within 10 business days after becoming aware of a significant dealing that is inconsistent with this determination.