James Tostevin is a world-class operator with a phenomenal track record of more than three decades in the industry.
CampaignAgent sat down with James Tostevin to discuss the current market, best practise throughout lockdown, and his best advice for agents.
James Tostevin, Director and Auctioneer at Marshall White Real Estate in Boroondara, has been a thought-leader in the industry for decades, and is committed to mentoring the next generation of real estate agents.
James makes over 200 prospecting calls per week – a task he genuinely enjoys doing – to check in with his clients, and nurture those relationships. And those calls are paying off, with the Marshall White Boroondara team expecting to complete 74 appraisals post-lockdown. It’s clear that once lockdown has lifted, James and his team have a clear game plan to continue their success.
For me it's about consistency - I enjoy the contact with people, and I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. I'm still a human being and sometimes think ‘here we go again, another 200 calls’, but for me it's about getting through those calls as quickly as I can
James Tostevin
While James isn’t one to shy away from hard work, his diligent business practises has afforded him most Friday’s off for the past 6 – 7 years. He credits this to being able to do two to three weeks worth of work in a mere five days.
We’d like to thank James for sharing his insights and knowledge with CampaignAgent. To learn more about James and the team at Marshall White Boroondara, visit their website.