We're excited to announce we've increased our funding amounts for Pay Later campaigns!
Now your vendors can access up to 2% of the estimated sale price!
CampaignAgent’s Pay Now and Pay Later solutions were designed to put vendors and agents ahead of the game with our innovative payment solutions. And now – we’re expanding our product offering, so vendors can access up to 2% of the estimated sale price of their property for vendor paid advertising, staging, styling and even minor repairs.
Having access to more funds for vendor paid advertising can help vendors attract more buyers, drive competition and achieve exceptional results. By expanding our lending amounts, we’re excited to be giving more financial freedom to vendors, so they can choose the right marketing campaign for their property, and not simply the one they could afford.
We're streamlining the application process for campaigns under $10,000
We’re also doubling our lending caps, so applications for campaigns under $10,000 will be streamlined. This means that you won’t need to include a marketing schedule for campaigns under $10,000 – making the application process more seamless and efficient.
We're constantly evolving our product offering and updating our technology. It's just one of the ways we're putting agencies ahead of the game
Seth Watts CampaignAgent Co-Founder