Pay Now, Pay Later Real Estate.

Buy while you sell with DepositNow

Unlock the equity in your property today, and buy the one you want tomorrow with DepositNow

Helping Australian home-owners take control of their finances

At CampaignAgent, we’re dedicated to providing world-class payment solutions for real estate. Our latest product, DepositNow, offers fast access of up to $250,000, so you can buy while you sell.

Most Australian homeowners are asset rich, but cash poor. Without direct access to the equity they need, most people would have to market, sell, and reach settlement on their current property before considering their next purchase.

For most people, their house is their greatest asset. And despite years of paying off hundreds of thousands of dollars on their home, people are at the mercy of their bank to approve their next purchase.

Bank approvals are often a drawn-out process, with a long list of criteria and often invasive questions about discretionary spending. Having access to $30,000 could be the difference between home-owners spending months renting while looking for another place to rent, or moving straight into their next place.

Meet Kylie & Brad

Take Kylie and Brad, they’ve just secured a new, bigger family home, thanks to DepositNow. They had recently sold their property, and settlement was still 120 days away. However, they’d just seen the perfect property and wanted to get in and secure it quickly before someone else did.

Kylie and Brad took advantage of having early access to the equity in the sale of their current property to bridge their cash-flow gap. By accessing $72,000 early, they were able to cover their cash-flow gap, secure the new property by putting down a higher deposit and make payment on the amount borrowed at settlement of their old property.

Bridging cashflow gaps when you need it most

The real estate industry is booming, but every day Australians are being left out of the game because of complicated bank loans, that simply take too long to process. DepositNow can help home owners looking to buy while they sell, so they have financial certainty throughout the sale to make a decision on their next property. 

And with payment due on the earlier of settlement of your property or 6 months after we fund you, DepositNow can be especially useful in situations like downsizing or having to balance mortgages while trying to purchase your next property.

CampaignAgent are committed to providing the financial solutions home owners need to make their next move – by giving them access to the equity in their home, we’re revolutionising the way Australians manage their finances while selling their home. 

We're excited to be expanding our financial solutions to assist home owners in accessing the equity they need to purchase their next property

Shaun Moriarty

Be Vigilant Against Payment Scams

Your safety and security are important to us. Please be aware of potential payment scams that are unfortunately increasingly common in Australia.